Det viktigste ved denne revisjonen var å klargjøre kravene for utdanning av interiørarkitekter sett fra et arbeidslivsperspektiv, sjekke ut om kravene er riktige og sikre at endringer i samfunnet er hensyntatt i de påkrevde kvalifikasjonene. I den siste generalforsamlingen i ECIA (07.11.2020) ble Charter 2020 presentert.
Det opprinnelige målet da arbeidet med “The European Charter of Interior Architecture” i sin tid startet, var å beskrive inngangsnivået (entry level) til profesjonen. Dette har ikke endret seg, men i tillegg kan charteret bli brukt i nasjonale diskusjoner om utdanningspolitikk, utvikling av innholdet i utdanningene og anerkjennelsesprosesser i de individuelle nasjonale organisasjonene.
ECIA er stolte av at dette arbeidet er ferdigstilt, og presenterer her den offisielle versjonen av Charter Training 2020.
The “European Charter of Interior Architecture” has 20 years of history and has been periodically updated. In 2019 the ECIA board established a working group on education. One of the most important tasks for that working group was to update the Charter. The main purpose of the revision was to clarify the requirements for the training of an Interior Architect from the perspective of practice, check if these were appropriately pictured and ensure that changes in society were reflected in the necessary qualifications. In the last ECIA General Assembly (7 November 2020) the 2020 Charter was presented and adopted by the ECIA member organisations.
The original objective of the “European Charter of Interior Architecture” was to describe the entry level to the profession. This has not changed, but in addition the Charter could be used for national discussions on education politics, curricula development in educational institutions and recognition processes in the individual national organisations.
We are happy to inform you that we have the final official version of the 2020 Charter ready. We will set up a campaign to promote (the revision of) the Charter but want to give our members the scoop. So please find it in the attachment.